Understanding Financial Limitations

By: The Youth Village

About this course

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Suspendisse sagittis ipsum et bibendum suscipit. Cras in metus nec tortor lacinia sagittis. Proin feugiat fringilla sem ut suscipit. Cras vehicula pharetra purus at fringilla. Nullam quis quam non ex dapibus laoreet. Pellentesque at sapien lacinia, suscipit metus sit amet, rutrum felis. Maecenas justo turpis, faucibus eu ex ut, molestie cursus velit. Quisque aliquam ultrices dapibus. Ut sed nulla leo. Vivamus metus neque, tristique eget tellus quis, eleifend rhoncus leo. Fusce nec augue ligula.

Fusce ante nunc, gravida vel erat vitae, consectetur congue ipsum. Sed rhoncus condimentum nisl vel porta. Cras lobortis dictum leo imperdiet facilisis. Donec eu ornare urna, eget blandit nulla. Nunc dignissim ipsum. Nam liguollicitudin nisl

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Enrique Robert


Originally trained human rights Lawyer in his homeland El Salvador. Enrique has lived and work in Canada for over thirty years, his academic formation has been useful in his role as a community development worker. Enrique has worked as a housing worker providing support to homeless and people described as “hardest to house”, he has managed a shelter for the homeless and worked in many social service organizations. 

Enrique has over twenty years of experience as an Executive Director of non-profit multiservice organisations. Including the Open Door Centre, Peterborough Social Planning Council and Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre. 

Enrique is a member of the United Way of Greater Toronto Speakers Bureau, as well of Passages to Canada, Dominion Institute. Enrique has been peer reviewer with the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and the Toronto Urban Health Fund. Enrique has presented workshops on Community Development and Non Profit Board Governance, anti racism and anti oppression work. 

Your generosity plays a crucial role in the success of The Youth Village.

By donating, you help us provide valuable mentorship, education, and opportunities for intergenerational conversations among Black entrepreneurs. Your contribution directly impacts the lives of our youth, empowering them to reach their full potential as global citizens. No matter the amount, your support makes a lasting difference. Donate today and be part of our mission to uplift and empower the Black community.

Creating Black Legacies

Research has shown that projects undertaken between young entrepreneurs and more experienced entrepreneurs have a greater probability of success. Research has also shown that funding for Black intergenerational projects is not well received in the marketplace.

Our Goal

Create a fund of over $5 million CAD to finance intergenerational projects between Black Youth and Black mature entrepreneurs.

Our Research

The responses from more than 300 black entrepreneurs from across Canada revealed that systemic racism, access to capital and the lack of a business network represent the main barriers to the growth and sustainability of Black-led and/or owned businesses.

The Challenge

Access to capital is the greatest barrier for Black entrepreneurs: Access to funding, financing, capital or sales was the top stated challenge by a significant margin. 75% say that if they needed to find $10,000 to support your business, it would be difficult for them to do so.


Access to capital is the greatest barrier for Black entrepreneurs: Access to funding, financing, capital or sales was the top stated challenge by a significant margin. 75% say that if they needed to find $10,000 to support your business, it would be difficult for them to do so.

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